Sunday, June 17, 2012

Now that you're two...

Liam is 2 now and its almost like a light switch went on or off or totally haywire. I think it might have more to do with all the visitors and changes that happened about the same time as his birthday. Lots of people coming and going, the new bed, a huge party, a bunch of new toys and having his grandma Ecca around for a few days. It was a lot to take in. He loves having people here, as do I, and it is always great to see the ones you love, but it does disrupt his schedule a bit and can make for a hard time re-adjusting. It is well worth it though to get to spend time with family.

He is asserting his new independence with great results, in his mind. I am enjoying seeing him form opinions and learn how to ask for things. His vocabulary is booming, his understanding is stunning, though his listening skills have left the building. But this is all normal from what I can tell. He is toeing the line and seeing what he can get away with. He is testing how far he can get with each parent and who puts up with more from him.

I am working hard on not giving in to every whine. I have a hard time not babying my baby, but at this point I can't. He whines when he wants a cookie, or when he is put on time out. I am trying not to laugh at his defiance, his little personality asserting itself... But it is SO STINKIN' CUTE to see him put his little foot down about something. I have to keep him safe and set firm but fair boundaries for him and stick to them. This is harder than I expected it would be, the urge to give him anything at all just to comfort him is almost overwhelming at times.

We've been playing hard this summer and I have been baking a lot while I have the time and energy to do so. 


Evelyn is growing well, I go in for another ultrasound in a few days, I need to remember to call them tomorrow to schedule it. But so far she is healthy as can be, wiggling all the time and giving me some pretty strong kicks.I have been getting her room ready and washing all of Liam's baby clothes and the ones we have been given by friends and family so far.

Dan has been working hard like always, taking on some extra hours at the Cafe for the summer. I have also been helping out there by taking over their Facebook page and starting to update it and try to draw in some more customers. I might also get to build them a new web site soon if all goes well.

I think once Evelyn is a few months old and we have the sleep schedule figured out I will look for some part time work. I think I need something other than playdates and trips to the grocery store to stimulate my mind. I might find a job within the scope of my degree, or I might just do something purely for fun for a little while. It would have to be at times when Dan was home with Liam and Evvie so that we do not have to pay for child care.

Nym turned one a couple days ago, she is a very good dog to have. She is still a puppy though and has much to learn. I need to get her out more this summer to get her re-socialized after the winter indoors. I think we might start doing the farmers market every Saturday with her, just to walk around with all the people and dogs.

We have all been working out ways to adjust to the upcoming changes with Evelyn getting here in just over 2 months. I have been putting thought into potty training Liam, but the truth is he just is not there right now. He is just now becoming aware of potty related things and can tell me when he has a dirty diaper. That is a pretty major step. We will work from there and take our time. No need to rush it too fast, it would just make us all miserable.

But that is where we stand right now, just trying to figure out where to go next in this adventure!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Mr. Liam!

Liam turned 2 today. His birthday happened to fall on a Saturday so it made sense to have his party today. We had lots of friends and family come over and bring food and fun times and lots of smiles.

Here are the pictures from the party!

Liam and his cousin Dotty

Dotty loved the bear Liam got!

Boys and their new toys

Liam had a great time playing with the balloons

Everyone got to play in the yard a bit

Liam's new chair was a big hit!

The hammock was a fun distraction and Dotty got to give Liam a kiss on the cheek!

Liam had lunch with his cousins, Dan cooked some nummy burgers

We had some confusion about candles, but no confusion about all the cake to eat!

Presents were VERY fun.

Especially the Hot Wheels holder with the spinning wheel!

Liam's best buddy Orrin got to check out the toys, and gave me some ideas for HIS birthday gift!

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