Friday, April 9, 2010


Things are moving forward!

Hope is spending the night with a potential family tonight. They wanted to have her over for a good amount of time to see if she will get along with their family. I am just going to enjoy a night free of barking.

I rearranged the baby's room again today. Somehow I doubt this will be the last time. But I do like how it is looking!

My stepmom, Kathy, sent me and Dan a really nice video baby monitor for an Easter gift and that got me thinking...

So much of his family is far away. California, Texas, Mississippi, and the list goes on.... I was thinking that it might be nice to set up a web cam in his room. I would say in the bedroom where his bassinet is to start with, but I don't want a web cam in my bedroom and I know Dan feels the same. So, I am thinking I can put it in his room and let his far away family watch him grow up.

I would put it on a passworded web site, since I am planning on breastfeeding and I don't need strangers stumbling onto the site and watching that or watching him get changed. That would just be creepy.

I know Judy's Dan can help me get that set up if I can not figure it out myself. But I bet it won't be that hard!

That way, even family far away can see him every day. They can watch him grow, watch him smile and laugh. If they have insomnia they can watch him wake up in the middle of the night and I can promise that even in the first few days home we will go in and wave at the camera from time to time.

I think that would be a good way for family to feel connected to him, even those who are so far away. And I will be sure to get a higher quality web cam so the picture looks good!

Its one thing to take video and show that off, or pictures, but I think that live action Baby Cuteness would be something fun. Although it kinda makes me think of that Shiba Inu Cam or whatever it was... the litter of puppies that got put on the web with a live camera day and night.

I guess if nothing else I can try it. And it would be a way for Dan to see him when he is at work, and for me to see him when I go back to work. I might even get inventive then and put a second camera in the living room if we end up with a caregiver who isn't family.

In other news, I think he is moving around a lot more. He is squirming in the mornings now, and the kicks have given way to more jabs and shoves as his space decreases. I can't think about that too hard, it makes ME feel claustrophobic! If I am feeling right, he is head down and hopefully stays that way from here on out. No pun intended there.

Almost down to just 7 weeks left. It still feels like forever...

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! I was thinking that we should get skype (I'm not sure how it works, or what it costs) so we could video conference. I like the idea of being able to see Baby Boy. Don't be worried about covering it up when you don't want to be on camera, though - you need privacy sometimes. We want to see you & Dan & BB, but don't want to intrude. Mama J.


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