Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One Month!

Liam will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. Technically one month!

I suppose waiting until July 2nd to call him one month old would be more correct, but hey....

Just waiting on baby smiles and for him to sleep a little bit longer at a time. Enjoying all the sweet moments and watching him try to hold his head up.

Got close to a smile today.

We have had lots of visitors... Dan's mommy and my mommy, and then on the 11th and 12th my Aunt Saskia and Grandma Wanda will be here, as well as my dad and step mom and my step brother to come meet the munchkin.

It will be nice to see them all.

Been tired a lot and working on managing how to care for him and still take care of myself. Sometimes I forget to eat. And I have not had a proper shower for 3 days now.

So here are some pictures! I know you all like seeing them.

I am going to see if I can get this little guy to sleep soon. He seems to not mind when I sing to him, even if I do butcher the songs. I even threatened Dan with my out of order rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow when he said he wasn't tired but needed to sleep.

But Liam doesn't even know how the song should go, so I guess its all ok. I know all the verses, I just don't get them all in the right order. Plus I sing it how Tori Amos sang it, so it's not quite the same.

And we sing other songs. They might not be traditional lullaby songs, but they do the trick.

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