Thursday, February 23, 2012

Spring is Springing

Yay for Spring!!!

The bulbs are popping up, the sun is coming out a bit more and the trees are making little leaf buds and flower buds. This is on the Pluot tree, which is an apricot plum hybrid. I have my fingers crossed that I will get more fruit this year. Last year we got some cherries that the birds and bugs got most of and one nectarine and 4 peaches, and the big peach tree didn't make a SINGLE PEACH! I was so sad. We got some apples, but most of them got eaten by bugs. I am hoping to find a bug spray for the tree that is semi safe. I plan to go bug the people at the local nursery soon about things that might work.

I just cleared out the blackberry bushes, spent an hour digging up the root balls and raking the last of the thorny twigs out. This weekend I am going to go buy some blueberries to put in there, and in the back space of it put in some golden raspberries. In the front section I want to eventually build two or three raised beds for veggies, but this year I think I will just plant some fast growing things like tomatoes, but keep them in pots for now until I can get the beds built. There are too many potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes in the ground there that leech out all the good nutrients when they start to grow.

Liam is also having fun getting out in the yard again, even if its still quite cold. As long as it isn't raining we can go outside for a bit, at least until his cheeks turn bright red and his hands feel like little ice cubes.

And just because its cute, this is a birds nest that I found in the blackberry bushes when I was clearing them out. I put it on the grape arbor just because I like the way bird nests look.

The bulbs are all coming up in the front yard, which is something Liam and I both enjoyed immensely last year, all the hyacinths and tulips and a few daffodils. There seem to be twice as many this year, so I guess they all spread out. Ok by me, I love seeing the front yard be a riot of purple and red flowers. I have a packet of Oregon wildflower seeds that I want to put somewhere. I have some empty space in the front yard that I think they would look nice in, so I might go spread those around soon.

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